Experiments Flask for Coffee Bean

RoastFlask is an innovative coffee bean roaster based on the philosophy of design simplicity, materials recyclability, and attention to detail profile controllability. Designed to enable coffee enthusiasts and professional baristas to easily and accurately achieve the desired flavor profile, RoastFlask boasts a functional yet beautiful design that seamlessly fits into everyday life. Made with sustainable materials that can be recycled, this creative product adds value to the lives of humans. It’ll play a significant role in enhancing the quality of life and contributing to the advancement of coffee culture.

This is a pretty old story. I started thinking about roasting my own coffee beans about 20 years ago, but it wasn’t until around 10 years ago that I finally took the plunge and built a DIY roaster one weekend. I loved the taste of the coffee I roasted so much that I kept refining the roaster design and ended up making prototypes 2 and 3, which I’ve been using as my personal roaster for the past decade. The third version wasn’t fully automated, but I added some sensors to monitor the roasting process and played around with different profiles to get it just right. And that’s the story leading up to the creation of the roastflask.

I wanted to start this blog to share my experience of developing a completely new and automated version, which is different from the previous version. At this point, I’m facing a lot of practical challenges and making progress, and I think it would be helpful to document and share this journey. I hope that this blog will be a place where I can share my thoughts and insights about the development process, and also connect with others who are interested in this topic.

“If someone who is seriously interested in this project is reading this, please feel free to email me at any time. I am ready to discuss and have fun together. This is like me telling someone that marathon is one of the fun sports. do you think the marathon is a fun thing? Is there anyone who wants to run the marathon with me and be a pacemaker? – Victor –

Why are personal roasters to be developed?

The roastFlask is a machine used to enhance and maintain the flavor and aroma of coffee beans. The following are some objectives in developing a personal coffee roaster:

Improvement of taste and aroma of coffee beans: Roasting involves heating coffee beans at high temperatures to evaporate moisture and oils within the beans, triggering a complex chemical reaction that creates flavor and aroma. The goal is to roast coffee beans according to personal preferences, resulting in a richer and deeper taste and aroma.

Consistent quality maintenance: Coffee roasting can vary greatly depending on factors such as time, temperature, and humidity, resulting in changes in flavor and aroma. It is important to develop a coffee roaster that minimizes such variations and maintains consistent quality, even when individuals roast coffee beans themselves.

Small-scale production for on-demand needs: To maintain consistent quality of roasted coffee beans, a large quantity needs to be processed at once. However, the goal of this development is to produce a uniform roasting result for a small quantity of beans in a shorter amount of time, similar to what can be achieved with large-scale roasters.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: Coffee roasting consumes a significant amount of energy and is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Developing a coffee roaster that emits fewer greenhouse gases and reduces environmental pollution is also a goal.

User-friendliness: Coffee roasters are generally used by coffee experts or companies, and have limitations that prevent general users from using them. Therefore, user-friendliness and ease of operation are important factors to consider. The objective is to develop a roasting machine with a user-friendly interface and convenient features.

Everyone enjoys the best coffee: Everyone expects good coffee, but unfortunately, in many cases, the roasted coffee beans that are distributed reach their expiration date limit before they can be enjoyed in their optimal condition. As a result, more than two-thirds of a bag of coffee is often consumed in a poor-quality state. Fortunately, the personal roaster solves this problem by allowing you to easily roast a small amount of coffee at home and consume it within a week, just like freshly baked toast. The ultimate goal is for the general public to enjoy the freshest and best-tasting coffee possible.

Lab Specifications

- Using multi operating voltages in system : 3.3v, 5v, 30v, 110v(220v)
- efficient heating system : heat pipe
- Very accurate programmable fan motor speed control using PWM methods.
- control system max noise.
- recirculate air system for heated air.
- backup battery system for emergency fan control.
- emergency shut-down process.
- auto-cooling process.
- noise-filtered 24bit robust temperature sensor which could measure 900 Celsius.
- auto-detect 1st/2nd pop periods using FFT frequency analysis.
- full roasting process programmable control.
- smoke purifier system.
- silver skin auto collector.
- using MCU
- OLED status display.
- WiFi/BL connect function.
- OTA firmware software updates.
- user-friendly UI for AI based roasting profile auto-generation.
- moisture control algorithm
- support user edit/save roasting profile.
- Web/App based programmable remote control.
- etc.


Roastflask is a personal coffee roaster that has been designed to automate the roasting process while allowing for precise control and customization. Despite being a personal device, it can accommodate the most sophisticated experimental profiles that professional baristas might require. Additionally, it also comes with profiles that can be used by novices to replicate professional results and adjust to their personal preferences. Let’s see the development’s histories and dispute the detail specs if you have any ideas.

Pyrolysis Roasting Method

Pyrolysis roasting is a method of roasting coffee beans by heating them to induce chemical changes. It has the following characteristics compared to traditional roasting methods: While conventional roasting methods take place at high temperatures above 180°C, pyrolysis roasting is conducted at a lower temperature of 100°C to 150°C.Lower temperatures reduce smoke emissions, decrease bitterness …

Web based UI

I’m making a UI for hardware control functions using HTML, but it feels too simplistic to be considered a full-fledged program, which is causing some confusion about its nature. We’re developing a web-based feature that provides comprehensive control over RoastFlask while keeping it lightweight, allowing for monitoring of the entire roasting process. The basic architecture …


Recruit : We are in search of a pacer to run the marathon with us. Once we have assembled the excellent pacers, we will gather a team of players and complete the marathon together.